Take Numbers with you

Number Porting

your port request
and sign
we'll do the rest

If you're moving to CallPeople and wish to bring one or more numbers with you please complete our inbound porting form below. Should you ever need to port a number out of CallPeople, this can be arranged through your control panel free of charge.

Create Porting Request
How many phones in your system?
As shown on your latest invoice
Contact Name
Job Title
Contact Phone Number
Preferabally not a number you're porting (e.g. a mobile)
Contact Email Address
InteliCall System Ref.InteliCall System Ref.
Leave blank if you haven't created the system yet
Billing Address
Company Registration No.
Not applicable for sole traders
Current Provider
Current Provider Name
Current Providers Address
Numbers to Port
One number per line including area code. Numbers must be in service