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Tell us about your new system
How many phonesThis is the number of phone or extension numbers you need, it's usually the number of staff, but you may have phones in communial areas like the warehouse or workshop and staff may have a phone at home or use a mobile app to access the phone system. in your system?
You'll usually want one phone per desk or work area but do consider users who might work from home. Mobile redirects don't need to be counted.
How many phones need direct dial numbers?These are numbers that go straight through to an extension or group of extensions - no prompts, menus or queues - just a direct number straight through.
How many main numbers?These are numbers that come into your system, you can route these straight to extensions, departments, prompts or menus as required
These are numbers that go to queues or multiple phones
Are you currently tied into a contract?
When does your current contract expire?
...and just a little about your company
Company Name
Contact Name (*)
Contact Phone Number
Email Address (*)